Saturday, May 31, 2008

How to post a comment

First off, posts are listed most recent first and the posts that follow are prior ones. Make sense?
To comment on a particular post of mine (I hope you do) these are the steps you take:

Click below the post where it says the number of "comments"

You will be brought to a page where you can read all comments and type in your own on the upper right hand side.

After typing in comments you will see letters that may be hard to read. You need to type these letters in the box in order to proceed.

After typing in the letters you will type in your username and password and then hit enter. To register your username and password you will need to click on 'sign up here'.

You will be brought to a screen where you will type in your email address (user name) and figure out what password you will use.

This page will also ask for your display name. Use what ever name you what. I would use Kathy but I leave comments on blogs where I don't necessarily want people to know my identity (political blogs) cause I don't want any ex-presidents to come knocking on my door.

Then hit continue.

If mom can do this, anyone can.
Mom, can you do this? Mmmmom, are you there?

Where's that 9 year old?

Time seems to be set on Pacific time. I'm looking for a 9 year old to show me how to set this to Central time. Anyone have a clue?

Update: we are now on Central time

Friday, May 30, 2008

Welcome Kells

I'd love to have a Kell family gathering!! Much easier said than done to say the least. High gas prices prevent too much travel (especially if you have to hit every casino along the way), too much going on with kids and activities, who would accommodate us crazies, etc. etc. What would we do at a family gathering? Share stories, memories, pictures, talk sports, politics, discuss the war. All this while eating.

I have a very simple solution to our family gathering problem....

Create a blog.

Now, this is my first blog. I plan on it being a very successful blog...Betty will be in charge of advertising. We'll discuss that later. Being my first blog, I don't really know what I'm doing so I just threw some pictures in the right column and of course the ever present 'cast your vote'. I figure we'll just figure this thing out as we go or I can find some 9 year old to show me the ropes. One of these options will save some of my pride.

I first entered the blogosphere while recovering from surgery earlier this year right in the middle of the heated Democratic primary races. The first blog I commented on was on a site like this, a blogger site. To make a comment I think I just had to sign in with my email address, create a password and then give a user name. It was very easy and it EMPOWERED me. It was all downhill from there...I was even telling Wolf Blitzer how it was. Anyway, please pass this blog site on to family and let me know if I have given the right directions as to signing in and leaving a comment.